COVID-19 epidemic response at The manor Central Park project

- 20/05/2021 -

Strictly implementing the direction of the Hanoi Department of Construction on May 7, 2021 Document No. 3467/SXD-TTr issuede to People’s Committees of districts, towns on the implementation of measures to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic at construction sites in the area.

At The Manor Central Park project Vijako employees always adhere to the 5K message of the Ministry of Health.

The safety department has actively coordinated with the communication departments to propagate the guiding documents of the company and the government to be able to promptly respond to scenarios. Individuals entering and leaving the project always take measures to prevent the epidemic such as: measuring body temperature, wearing masks, disinfecting hands, not gathering in crowds, disinfecting sprays, and cleaning the working spaces (photos).

Check body temperature

COVID rapid test

Propaganda work

Provide hand sanitizer and masks to workers

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