VIJAKO holds the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2023

- 03/05/2023 -


On April 22, 2023, VIJAKO Construction Joint Stock Company successfully held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2023 with the participation of shareholders representing for 100% voting shares of VIJAKO.

The Congress approved many important contents such as: Report on Business Performance in 2022 and Business Plan in 2023; Report on activities of the Board of Directors in 2022, propose orientations and goals in 2023; Profit distribution in 2022; Final settlement of remuneration of the Board of Directors in 2022 and proposal of remuneration for the Board of Directors in 2023; Selection of an audit unit for the financial statements of 2023; Plan for increase charter capital, Amendment of company’s charter; Business Plan in 2023.

(The Board of Directors reports information at the General Meeting)


 (Shareholders monitor the presentation of the proposals at the General Meeting)

 In 2023 will continue to be a year of many difficulties and challenges for the economy and the Real Estate – Construction. With a spirit of caution, promoting the achievements of 2022, Vijako will implement business plans in the direction of key focus, select projects suitable to the company’s strengths and continue to maintair a stable personnel structure, ensuring the life of employee, improve cost management efficiency, etc.

( The process shared information by The Board of Directors at the General Meeting)

The General Meeting discussed and approved all the contents of the Report and Proposal with the rate of 100% of the shares attending the meeting, and highly agreed on the contents presented and explained by the Board of Directors at the General Meeting. The Board of Directors has recognized and highly appreciated the opinions of shareholders and answered thoroughly in the spirit of demand and transparency to the issues that shareholders have opinions.

(Shareholders vote on the contents at the General Meeting)

Utterance at the meeting, Shareholders highly appreciated the stable and sustainable development of VIJAKO during its operation and expressed hope that shareholders will continue to support and give maximum rights to the Board of Directors to create initiative in management and administration, contribute to the development of VIJAKO and bring practical benefits to Shareholders. 











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